Tired of Dealing With Back Pain? Call In An Expert With Physical Therapy

Tired of Dealing With Back Pain? Call In An Expert With Physical Therapy

Tired of Dealing With Back Pain? Call In An Expert With Physical Therapy

Tired of Dealing With Back Pain? Call In An Expert With Physical Therapy

Are you dealing with low back pain that is hindering your ability to comfortably move and function? If so, physical therapy might be something you’d be interested in for your own well-being.

Physical therapy is a leading professional involved in the diagnosis and treatment of low back pain. In fact, low back pain is one of the most common reasons people come to work with a physical therapist. Researchers in our field have even developed concise and comprehensive practice guidelines to help therapists manage this condition in their patients.

Our innovative care strategies at Schuster Physical Therapy will help you find quick relief. Keep reading to learn how physical therapy can help you find meaningful relief from your lower back pain, and don’t forget to contact our clinic with questions about treatment!

What is chronic back pain?

It only takes one injury for a person’s pain condition to persist into the realm of long-term problems. Chronic back pain can be felt all over your back or in just a single area such as the lumbar region, mid-back, or upper back area.

The Mayo Clinic states that those with poor posture, bulging or herniated discs, arthritis, skeletal irregularities, and osteoporosis may suffer from chronic back pain more often than others. Other factors such as age, weight, poor lifting techniques, and even certain mental health conditions can also increase a person’s chances of developing back pain.

4 reasons to choose physical therapy for pain relief

1. Physical therapy can help you to identify pain points and modify risk factors.

A physical therapist can work with you to help you identify and modify your preventable risk factors. For example, sitting too much is correlated with lower back pain. By helping you control your pain and improve your physical function and ergonomic environments, a physical therapist makes it easier for you to increase your physical activity level and minimize the amount of time you spend sitting.

Low back pain is very common, and you’ll be very lucky to leave this life without experiencing it at least once! It’s not always clear what triggers back pain in the first place, and most experts agree that there are usually multiple issues at play, including activity level, occupation, age, family and medical history, and the presence of other health conditions like smoking, obesity, and diabetes.

2. A physical therapist can assess your condition and create a customized treatment plan to relieve your pain.

Physical therapists are trained professionals who can pinpoint hidden issues contributing to your back pain condition, such as nerve impingement, movement incoordination, poor core muscle activation, or range of motion limitations. These are common issues that are often overlooked or under-addressed by other professionals—and explains why interventions that just provide symptom relief are often not effective in the long term.

Based on the current clinical practice guidelines created by the American Physical Therapy Association’s Orthopaedic Section, a person presenting with low back pain can be classified into one of several distinct treatment categories, based on a thorough examination. This type of systematic categorization is cost-effective and beneficial since it helps patients receive services specifically designed for their needs.

If you’re still dealing with issues such as instability or incoordination and they go unaddressed, your issue is likely to recur in the future. By addressing the underlying causes of your back pain and then systematically managing these issues with personalized treatment based on research, a physical therapist can alleviate your symptoms and reduce your likelihood of chronic suffering.

3. Physical therapy treatments are drug-free, non-invasive, and safe for all ages.

The risk of low back pain appears to rise with age, but people of all ages also have the power to fight back against it! Fortunately, physical therapy programs, especially those including remedial exercises and spinal manipulation, are known to be successful for low pain. They are safe and suitable for people from every corner of life. Your physical therapist will provide several other services to help your recovery if a particular service is contraindicated for you.

4. Physical therapists can teach you how to continue your progress at home.

Lastly, physical therapists are experts at identifying how low back pain limits a person’s participation in daily activities, and how these limitations can be resolved or compensated for. After all, your progress outside the clinic matters even more than your progress inside the clinic! Our physical therapy team always looks for the bigger picture of your condition and will help you modify your daily tasks in a way that will make you feel successful, safe, and confident.

What is physical therapy treatment like?

A physical therapy treatment program is typically made up of two parts: active treatment and passive treatment. Active treatments consist of stretching and targeted exercises. Passive treatments consist of:

  • Heat and ice therapy
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • TENS units
  • Electrical therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Stabilization techniques

At your first appointment with a physical therapist, they will ask you questions regarding your medical and/or family history, as well as discuss your pain symptoms. From there, they will palpate the area and ask you to perform certain “tests” of your movement to determine what the true problem is and where it’s actually located.

After a clear diagnosis has been made, your physical therapist will come up with a treatment plan that is best suited for your needs.

Ready to start feeling your best?

You don’t have to continue waking up in the middle of the night in discomfort, or going about your daily routine in constant pain! Call our clinic today if you’re ready to get back to living a normal life, free of back pain.